New Delhi: Meta has announced a new platform designed to proactively prevent young people and minors' intimate images from spreading online. The social network said it financially supported the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the development of 'Take It Down', a platform that helps adults stop the spread of their intimate images online.
"We've also introduced some new features that make it more difficult for suspicious adults to interact with teens on Instagram," said Antigone Davis, Global Head of Safety at Meta. 'Take It Down' lets young people take back control of their intimate images. People can go to and follow the instructions to submit a case that will proactively search for their intimate images on participating apps.
The platform them assigns a unique hash value a" a numerical code a" to their image or video privately and directly from their own device. "Once they submit the hash to NCMEC, companies like ours can use those hashes to find any copies of the image, take them down and prevent the content from being posted on our apps in the future," said Meta.
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