New Delhi: The researchers from IIT Jodhpur have developed an automated Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution for COVID-19 prediction from chest X-rays. The experiment was performed with more than 2,500 chest X-ray images and achieved about 96.80 per cent sensitivity. The statement issued by IIT Jodhpur said that the researchers at IIT Jodhpur have proposed a deep learning-based algorithm called COMiT-Net, which learns the abnormalities present in the chest X-ray images to differentiate between a COVID-19 affected lung and a non-COVID affected lung.
"The developed AI algorithm not only predicts whether the CXR has COVID-19 pneumonia or not, but it is also capable of identifying the infected regions in the lungs, thus making them explainable," IIT Jodhpur stated.
While there have been numerous research studies in COVID-19 detection using X-ray or CT scans in the past years, most of them fail to provide an explainable solution. The uniqueness of this research is the proposed study which can visually showcase the region which is infected. The technique interprets only from the lung region. According to IIT Jodhpur, the Artificial Intelligence solution used in this research is explainable from both algorithmic and medical points of view.