New Delhi: Taiwanese consumer electronics company High Tech Computer Corporation (HTC) on Monday launched a new virtual reality (VR) headset VIVE Focus 3 with dedicated professional tools in India. The new VR headset comes with a smarter ergonomic design, superior audio and next-level inside-out tracking and controllers. VIVE Focus 3 comes powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Platform which unlocks performance improvements, including twice the CPU and GPU performance and 11x the AI processing compared to its predecessor, which powers the original VIVE Focus, according to the company.
It features 5K resolution with dual 2.5K displays, a smooth 90Hz refresh rate and an ultra-wide 120-degree field of view for better immersion. The fast-switching display panel uses real RGB subpixels, practically eliminating the screen door effect. The new visuals mean fine details like writing and overall fidelity are dramatically clearer, allowing for software design and user interaction to be more natural, HTC stated.