Hyderabad:Today is Google's birthday. Its 25th. The tech company celebrated it by making a Doodle for itself.
Google is entering its 25th year and the Google's Doodle was dedicated to reflect its road to the summit. The tech firm said that it was using the birthday as "time to reflect" while being oriented towards future.
"Let’s take a walk down memory lane to learn how we were born 25 years ago," it said while the Doodle showed how the logo has evolved over time since the company's inception.
Today's Doodle marks Google's 25th birthday. Thank you for searching with us throughout the years, the tech giant said in its Doodle's landing page.
It recalled how two doctoral students - Sergey Brin and Larry Page - met in Stanford University’s computer science programme in the late ‘90s. Cutting the long story short, the message said the pair realised that they shared a similar vision, which is making the World Wide Web a more accessible place.
The two got down to work from their dormitory rooms to "develop a prototype for a better search engine," they moved to a rented garage after they made meaningful progress on the project. That garage became Google’s first office.