Hyderabad: OnePlus India launched its first-ever Band on 11 January, priced at Rs. 2,499. To know more about the features of the OnePlus Band, click on the video below.
It is available in three colors- Black, Navy, Tangerine Gray. Features and specifications of OnePlus Band are:
- It has a dual-color band design.
- It helps in continuous blood oxygen saturation monitoring. A dedicated blood oxygen sensor that tracks blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) level via red and infrared light sensors. The OnePlus Band is not designed to be a medical device.
- OnePlus Band has a 100mAh battery with a backup of up to 14 days.
- It has a 1.1-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 126x265 pixels.
- It has Touch Control.
- It tracks light and deep sleep to understand your sleep quality.
- It measures continuous, real-time heart rate monitoring for exercise, rest, and sleep.
- The built-in vibration alarm will also respond to high pulse readings.
- It has 13 exercise modes such as Yoga, Cricket, Fat Burn Running, etc.
- It is rated 5ATM and IP68, the band is sweat and water-resistant up to 50 meters for 10 minutes. It is not suitable for diving, saunas, or high-pressure water activities.
- It is also dust-resistant.
- Users can quickly access key features from their wrist10 – including music, camera shutter controls, call and message notifications.