Bengaluru: The Indian Space Research Agency (ISRO) on Tuesday released the first 3-D image of Vikram Lander on the moon. The image was created using NavCam Stereo Images, which consist of both a left and right image captured onboard the Pragyan Rover, the ISRO said as it shared on X (formerly Twitter) the image captured on August 30, 2023.
The space agency, in its post, said Anaglyph is a simple visualization of the object or terrain in three dimensions from stereo or multi-view images. "The Anaglyph presented here is created using NavCam Stereo Images, which consist of both a left and right image captured onboard the Pragyan Rover. In this 3-channel image, the left image is positioned in the red channel, while the right image is placed in the blue and green channels (creating cyan). The difference in perspective between these two images results in the stereo effect, which gives the visual impression of three dimensions," the space agency said and recommended Red & Cyan glasses for viewing the picture in 3D.
"NavCam was developed by LEOS / ISRO. Data Processing is carried out by SAC / ISRO," the ISRO added.