Washington: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday made a strong push for reforming multilateral institutions, including the UN, and spoke glowingly of India's ties with the US, saying the two countries stand at a new dawn in their relationship that will not only shape their destiny but also that of the world.
Becoming the first Indian prime minister to address the Joint Session of the US Congress for a second time, Modi also took a swipe at China as he spoke about "dark clouds of coercion and confrontation casting their shadow in the Indo Pacific". The stability of the region has become one of the central concerns of our partnership, he said, shining a light on the shared concerns in India and the US about China, which he did not name.
"We share a vision of a free, open and inclusive Indo Pacific, connected by secure seas, defined by international law, free from domination... "A region where all nations, small and large, are free and fearless in their choices, where progress is not suffocated by an impossible burden of debt, where connectivity is not leveraged for strategic purposes, where all nations are lifted by the high tide of shared prosperity," he said.
India and the US will be at the forefront, as partners in working for a world order based on international law, he said. The prime minister also raised the issue of terrorism, noting that more than two decades after 9/11 in the US and more than a decade after 26/11 in Mumbai, radicalism and terrorism still remain a pressing danger for the whole world.
"These ideologies keep taking new identities and forms, but their intentions are the same. Terrorism is an enemy of humanity and there can be no ifs or buts in dealing with it. We must overcome all such forces sponsoring and exporting terror," he said. Indian officials called Modi's speech historic and noted that it was marked by applause 79 times, 15 standing ovations, autographs, selfies, bipartisan support and 'Modi Modi' chants.
Noting that the Covid-19's biggest impact was the human loss and suffering it caused, Modi asserted that a new world order must be given shape as the global community emerges from the pandemic. Consideration, care and concern are the need of the hour and giving a voice to the Global South is the way forward, he said, adding that the African Union be given full membership of G20.