New Delhi: Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Monday sent another cryptic tweet about his death under "mysterious circumstances", a post which his mother Maye Musk did not like at all. "If I die under mysterious circumstances, it's been nice knowin ya," tweeted Elon Musk. His mother replied: "That's not funny". Elon then said: "Sorry! I will do my best to stay alive." The tweet sparked buzz over social media among his over 91 million followers.
"No, you will not die. The world needs you to reform," posted one user. Another tweeted: "We must protect you at all costs. Humanity is counting on you." This is not the first time Elon, set to acquire Twitter for $44 billion, posted a cryptic tweet about his death. In March this year, he tweeted that death would come as a relief to him. In an interview with Mathias Dopfner, the CEO of German publishing company Axel Springer, Elon Musk said that he would like to maintain health for a longer period of time.