New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday was given one of France's most prestigious recognition as the guest of honour at the Bastille Day parade in Paris. One of the spectacular moments to watch was the French and Indian soldiers marching down the Champs-Elysees Avenue in Paris. However, the Bastille Day celebration holds immense significance for the Indian Army as it is very rare for France to invite foreign marching contingent or foreign aircraft to participate in it.
Brigadier (Retd) Rahul K Bhonsle, Director of Security Risks Asia, while speaking to ETV Bharat on the occasion said, "It is quite inevitable that the Indian army has been invited for France National Day and particularly the Punjab Regiment has participated in the parade. The Punjab Regiment has 300 years of history and has participated in various wars in Europe as well in the past".
He noted that it is also a signal that France-India relations are going upward in a strategic manner. "They (French) want to send a signal that India is a 'preferred partner' as far as Indo-France partnerships are concerned, mainly when NATO is a big challenge as France doesn't want NATO to expand and the challenges in Indo-Pacific is another reason.
India and France have been closely cooperating on the Indo-Pacific. Within this entire paradigm, PM Modi got invited to the Bastille Day parade as the chief guest is not only an honour for the PM, but also for the Indian army".