New Delhi: The Border Security Force (BSF) on Monday seized one abandoned Pakistani fishing boat from 'Harami Nala' creek area near Bhuj in Kutch of Gujarat, along the India-Pakistan maritime boundary, the force said. The boat was found from 'Harami Nala' around 6 am by BSF personnel who were patrolling in the area, a BSF official said.
Some ice boxes, jerry cans and fishing nets were seized by the BSF personnel. However, the men on the boat managed to flee towards the Pakistan side. "We seized a Pakistani fishing boat from 'Harami Nala' in Kutch of Gujarat around 6 am. A few people were seen on the boat, but they jumped into the water and swam towards the Pakistan side. Icebox, jerry can and fishing net have been seized by the BSF personnel from the abandoned boat," the BSF official told ANI.