Washington: Studies show that healthy people breathe 16 times per minute. According to the American Lung Association, the lungs of an average adult male can expel a maximum of 6 litres of air. These calculations include the normally inhaled air as well as the excess air taken in, the normal exhaled air, and the excess air left in the lungs. Thus, the study estimates that a person takes in 7,570 litres of air every day.
The air we take in contains 20 percent oxygen and the air we exhale contains 15 percent oxygen. That means 5 percent of the gas is converted into carbon dioxide for each breath. According to this calculation, a human being consumes 378 litres of pure oxygen per day. There is a method to know how much air goes out of our lungs. Take a plastic bag of a certain size and release air into it.
See how full it is with each breath. An estimate can be made by calculating how much time it takes to fill. It is important to know whether our lungs are working well at a time when the impact of the corona is high on respiratory patients.
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Here is some basic information about your breathing system:
Do you know how much air you breathe every day?