New Delhi: Indian aviation regulator DGCA has asked its UAE counterpart to share the report of the probe into the near-collision of two India-bound Emirates passenger jets on January 9 at the Dubai airport. The planes had come on the same runway during take-off from the airport. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has asked UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) to share its investigation report on this incident.
“Both are their registered aircraft and the place of occurrence is their airport and so, as per ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation), it will be investigated by them.” “However, we have asked them to share the investigation report as and when available,” DGCA chief Arun Kumar said on Friday.
The two Emirates jets that had a close shave on January 9 were the Dubai-Hyderabad flight (EK-524) and the Dubai-Bengaluru flight (EK-568), sources said. The EK-524 was accelerating to take off just when EK-568 came on the same runway, they noted. Therefore, EK-524’s take-off was rejected by the air traffic controller, the sources mentioned.
EK-524 was scheduled to depart at 9.45 PM while EK-568 was scheduled to take off at 9.50 PM, they said.