Warsaw: Women's rights activists who have led weeks of protests over a restrictive abortion ruling in Poland are calling on people to join nationwide demonstrations against police violence on Saturday.
The protests are scheduled to coincide with Polish women gaining the right to vote 102 years ago.
Weeks of protests against a high court's abortion ruling have evolved into the largest protest movement since communism fell 30 years ago.
They began when the constitutional court ruled October 22 to ban abortions of fetuses with congenital defects, even when the fetus has no chance of survival upon birth.
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Poland already had one of Europe's most restrictive laws, hammered out in the early 1990s between political and Catholic church leaders, their authority bolstered by a Polish pope, John Paul II, at the Vatican.
It allowed abortions only in the cases of fetal defects, risk to the woman's health and incest or rape.