Geneva:UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet accused the Venezuelan government of using the death squad strategy to murder young men and stage the scenes to make it look like the victims resisted arrest. In a report released on Thursday, she said, the strategy was used to instil fear in the population in order to retain power and removing opponents with a shocking number of alleged extrajudicial killings.
Venezuela has slammed the report as distorted and biased, media reported.
Government figures showed deaths ascribed to criminals resisting arrest numbered 5,287 in 2018 and 1,569 by May 19, 2019. However, the UN report suggested that many of these deaths were actually extrajudicial executions.
According to the report, the victims were not only arrested and shot but were placed in a manipulated crime scene in order to suggest that they resisted police.
The report said the killings were part of a strategy by the government of President Nicolas Maduro aimed at neutralizing, repressing and criminalizing political opponents and people critical of the government.
Maduro is locked in a political battle with opposition leader Juan Guaido. The latter, head of the country's National Assembly, declared himself interim President in January and has the backing of over 50 countries, including the US and most of Latin America. Along with that, Maduro had always received the support of the military and allies such as China and Russia.