London:Research conducted by a Belgium-based non-governmental organisation has alleged that a network of pro-Indian 'fake' websites have been spreading disinformation around the world.
The EU Disinfo Lab report claims to have found over 265 fake local news sites in more than 65 countries which are managed by one "Indian influence network". The researchers said they traced the websites and IP addresses to an Indian company called Srivastava Group.
"More than the fake media outlets alone, it is their combination with the fake NGOs (non-governmental organisation) that's really worrying because it provides a mirage of online and grassroots support to a cause. That's exactly where the disinformation lies," Alexandre Alaphilippe, executive director of EU Disinfo Lab, told the media.
The network of such websites was also found to involve groups responsible for anti-Pakistan lobbying events in Europe, according to the Brussels-based group which says its focus is on researching and tackling sophisticated disinformation campaigns targeting the European Union (EU), its member states, core institutions and core values.
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It claims to have found that some of the disinformation campaign were targeted at influencing European institutions and the United Nations (UN).