Amsterdam: With an intensified Taliban-perpetrated violence in Afghanistan in recent weeks, Pakistan's behind-the-scenes role in thwarting intra-Afghan talks in Doha and intentions of getting a Taliban dispensation in Kabul has come to the fore, a European think-tank has said in a report.
As per European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) report, Pakistan's involvement in stoking the present escalation of Taliban violence has not been debated. If Pakistan possessed enough leverage over the Taliban to get it to the negotiating table with the US, it certainly should have the clout to get the Taliban to eschew violence at a time when such violence is threatening to tear apart the US-Taliban agreement that was consequently reached.
The think tank also cited papers written by the US-based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which interestingly, touched upon Pakistan's role in stoking instability in Afghanistan
It stated, "The Taliban's Quetta Shura, or senior military leadership council, continues to reside in Pakistan, as do the Taliban's regional shuras that support the Afghan war... If Pakistan is unhelpful or even counterproductive in preventing stalled negotiations, the United States could consider suspending or terminating Pakistan's non-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (non-NATO) ally status, which offers military and financial advantages that generally are not available to non-NATO countries."
"Washington could also consider placing Pakistan on the State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism. After all, the US and other Western intelligence agencies have collected an abundance of information about Pakistan's ties to terrorist groups operating in Afghanistan and India, from Lashkar-e-Taiba (fronted by Jamaat-ud-Dawa) to the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network," according to the CFR memorandum.