London:British opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has said that a no-deal Brexit would leave the UK at the mercy of US President Donald Trump.
Corbyn accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of 'cosying up to Trump' because 'no-deal Brexit is a Trump-deal Brexit', media reported on Tuesday.
Corbyn said that he believed the European Union (EU) referendum result was being hijacked by those wanting what he called a 'bankers' Brexit'.
"The Tories are going out with their begging bowl to billionaire hedge funders to raise cash for an autumn general election," he added.
He said, "The chaos and uncertainty caused by a no-deal Brexit is a potential goldmine for speculators betting against the pound. (No-deal Brexit) won't return sovereignty, it will put us at the mercy of Trump and the big US corporations dying to get their teeth into our NHS (National Health Service), sound the death knell for our steel industry and strip back our food standards and animal welfare protections."
Corbyn further wrote in the Independent that he would 'do everything necessary' to prevent no-deal Brexit and would discuss all options with other party leaders to "stop this no-deal disaster in its tracks".