Rome: Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte is facing a challenge to his government’s survival, with a junior partner threatening to pull its support just as Italy is battling a resurgence of the virus and a recession, and is launching a huge mass vaccination program.
If ex-Premier Matteo Renzi follows through on threats to yank his small Italy Alive party’s support from the government, the crisis would force Conte into several unwelcome scenarios, including a Cabinet reshuffle, a confidence vote in parliament to see if he still has a majority, or tendering his resignation.
At that point, Italy’s president would have to hold talks with political parties to determine whether to ask Conte to try to form a new government, install a technical government or call a new early election. The last option is considered unlikely, given Italy’s surging coronavirus infections.
Renzi’s two ministers in the government abstained from a Cabinet vote late Tuesday approving the outlays of the EU funds. Renzi has planned a press conference later Wednesday.
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Renzi has faced criticism that he is irresponsibly provoking a government crisis at a time when the government is already struggling to contain the outbreak, get Italians vaccinated and keep the Italian economy from further collapse.