Budapest:Hungary's nationalist prime minister warned Saturday that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could send hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees fleeing across the border into his country.
Right-wing populist leader Viktor Orban, speaking in an annual address that this year kicked off his political campaign for Hungary's parliamentary election on April 3, urged a peaceful resolution to the rising tensions in Europe that have stemmed from fears of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Orban a firm opponent of any types of immigration said it was in Hungary's best interest to avoid war, which he said would cause a wave of Ukrainian refugees and a disruption of the economy.
While urging a resolution of the tensions through dialogue, Orban said he opposed plans by the European Union to use sanctions against Russia which has built up over 100,000 troops along Ukraine's borders as a deterrent. Sanctions, punitive policies, lecturing or any other kind of arrogance on the part of the great powers are out of the question, Orban said.
Orban, who has led Hungary since 2010, has sought one of the closest relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin of any European leader. In a meeting with Putin in the Kremlin last week, Orban lobbied for increased gas shipments from Russia and lauded his country's increased cooperation with Moscow in the areas of energy, trade and security.