New Delhi:With the COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc across the world, it is also adversely affecting the economic situation in several countries, as numerous businesses and industries are being forced to shut down.
As a result of this grave economic situation, many companies have resorted to furloughing their employees - asking them to go on unpaid leave rather than firing them.
What makes this situation bad for the furloughed staff, is the fact that they continue to remain on their companies' payrolls.
While this move is benefiting the employers, who are looking to get started as soon as the situation gets better, it is the worker who gets hit the hardest due to a sudden halt on income.
Here is what countries around the world are doing to aid workers in such a situation:
United Kingdom:
The government has offered grants for the employers, covering as much as 80 per cent of wages of the employees who are on temporary leave (furlough) due to the prevailing conditions. The government's coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which was launched earlier in March, offers a maximum of £2,500 per worker per month.
United States of America: