NEW DELHI:In just two days of fighting, the Russian army—in a blitzkrieg style attack—is reported to have reached the outskirts of many Ukrainian cities. While the urban centres had been targeted by Russian aircraft, missiles and artillery bombings from Thursday morning onwards when the war began, the actual decisive battle in modern warfare begins and ends when the fighting takes place inside the cities and urban centres ‘street by street’ by boots on the ground. This is also the ugliest part of a war when the numbers of body bags on all sides rise.
According to media reports, on Saturday, the first city—Melitopol, in Ukraine’s southeast—has fallen. It is only a question of time before key cities including capital Kyiv, Odessa and Karkhiv fall unless negotiations, if at all they take place, provide alternatives. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenkskyy has asserted that he will not surrender.
According to Ukraine’s health minister Viktor Lyashko about 200 people have lost their lives till now while more than a thousand have been wounded. While the Chernobyl nuclear plant has been overtaken by the Russians, city dwellers including in the capital Kyiv are getting ready for the fight with an estimated 80,000 guns being already distributed among them while quick Do It Yourself (DIY) lessons were being imparted to make Molotov cocktails. But the urban battle won’t be an easy one unlike the fighting in the hinterlands and the outlying areas.
Also read: Have Big Powers pushed Ukraine to Disaster?