Geneva: Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization Soumya Swaminathan said on Friday it was too early to decide whether the coronavirus mutation found in the farmed mink population in Denmark could impact the efficacy of vaccines.
Denmark, a major mink fur exporter, has said it may need to kill up to 17 million minks over the fear of the new mutation spreading back to humans.
"We need to wait and see what the implications are, but I don't think we should come to any conclusions whether this particular mutation is going to impact vaccine efficacy or not. We don't have any evidence at the moment that it would," Swaminathan told a virtual press briefing.
Read:|Mutated variant of COVID-19 linked to minks found in 214 people in Denmark
The coronavirus mutations in minks need to be studied properly before experts can say if there can be any complications and what kind, Maria Van Kerkhove, COVID-19 Technical Lead at WHO Health Emergencies Programme, said.
"What we understand is the minks have been infected with contact from humans, it circulates in the mink and then it could pass back to humans. So there's always a concern when you have circulation and transmission from humans to animals and then from animals to humans. So there is a number of activities that are ongoing to understand the situation in Denmark," Van Kerkhove said.
According to the expert, mutations are normal and experts have been monitoring all changes in the virus since the beginning.