London: Former prime minister Manmohan Singh told then Britain's PM that India could have taken military action against Pakistan should there be another terrorist attack similar to 2008 in Mumbai in July 2011. Cameron in his memoirs 'For the Records' which was released on Thursday, wrote the Indian PM confided in him about the prospect of military action against Pakistan in case of another Mumbai-like terrorist attack.
'For The Record' is a chronicle of 52-year-old Cameron's personal as well as professional life, specifically covering the period between 2010-2016 when he was in charge at Downing Street and had close dealings with both Singh as well Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"I got on well with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He was a saintly man, but he was robust on the threats India faced. On a later visit, he told me that another terrorist attack like that (2008) in Mumbai in July 2011, and India would have to take military action against Pakistan," noted Cameron, as he recalls one of his many visits to India during his time in office.