London:England will be hit hard by floods like those that devastated Germany this summer if the country does not improve its defence against more extreme weather brought by climate change, a governmental agency said Wednesday.
In a report, the Environment Agency warned of hotter, drier summers, more and worse flooding, rising sea levels and greater demand on water supplies due to global warming. It predicted that even with a rise of 2 degrees Celsius in global average temperature -- below the level of warming that has been projected -- England's winter rainfall will increase 6 per cent but summer rainfall will be down 15 per cent by the 2050s.
The report also warned that London's sea level is expected to rise by between 23 centimeters and 29 centimeters (9 to 11 inches) by the 2050s, and around 45 centimeters by the 2080s. Emma Howard Boyd, the agency's chair, said that significant climate impacts are inevitable and it is a case of adapt or die.