Geneva: The UN health agency says the world's largest randomized trial of COVID-19 treatments found "conclusive evidence" that remdesivir, a drug used to treat U.S. President Donald Trump when he fell ill, has little or no effect on severe cases.
The World Health Organization announced Friday the long-awaited results of its six-month "Solidarity Therapeutics Trial" that endeavored to see if existing drugs might have an effect on the coronavirus.
Remdesivir, a repurposed malaria drug, has been classified as standard-of-care in the United States, and it has been approved for use against COVID-19 in the UK and EU. Supplies of the drug have been limited, and the European Medicines Agency is now reviewing whether remdesivir is causing kidney problems as reported by some patients.
Read also:WHO warns there might never be a 'silver bullet' to defeat virus
Martin Landray, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Oxford University, said the WHO trial results for hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir were in line with a previous British study he co-led.