Hong Kong: The world is reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, and few have been harder hit than the image of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Chairman Xi Jinping. Such is the battering that China has been receiving, that the party propaganda machine has slammed into top gear to roll back the criticism.
For much of his presidency, it seemed Xi could do no wrong. The party's golden boy benefitted from a carefully concocted domestic and international propaganda campaign. It seemed that China's rise was inexorable, and master tactician Xi was allowed to sweep away traditions and to grasp the reins of power for a lifetime.
Adam Ni, director of the China Policy Centre, an independent non-profit research organization based in Canberra, spoke about how Xi has been impacted by China's mishandling of the health crisis. "Regarding Xi's popularity amid COVID-19, I think there are two sides to this. The earlier misstep by the Chinese authorities and the absence of Xi from the public limelight for days on end towards the early stages of this crisis has hit Xi's popularity."
Ni went on to add, "Xi's political star has certainly been challenged over the past twelve months with challenges across a spectrum of issues, including a slowing economy, Hong Kong, cross-strait relations with Taiwan, US-China relations and China's international reputation. All in all, COVID-19 and these other challenges and blunders have made Xi vulnerable to criticism. He is less politically unassailable than he was at the start of 2019, for example."
Xi's and the CCP's peculiar feeling of vulnerability is underscored dramatically by the remorseless propaganda campaign that China is now waging. In Mao Zedong's time, this was called a "tongue war" but now much of it is being fought on Western online and media platforms.
Efforts by Chinese diplomats, ministers, department spokespersons and other lackeys to push "alternative truths" have reached unprecedented levels. These figureheads have been widely using Facebook and Twitter to spread their nefarious messages, even though such platforms are banned within China. Their singular purpose is to deflect blame for bungling the response to the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.
China Neican, a weekly information newsletter published weekly by Adam Ni and Yun Jiang, summarized:"The Chinese authorities' first instinct was the suppression of information. After realizing that paper cannot stifle a fire, it then turned its propaganda effort to mobilization - how the government has acted decisively to build hospitals in record times and lockdown entire cities. For two weeks, it allows some non-state-sanctioned information to flow. The authorities then clamped down hard on information control again, with the emphasis being placed on telling positive stories. So the heroic efforts of frontline workers were highlighted while the sufferings of the patients were downplayed."
Read more:Trump blames China again, says COVID-19 originated from Beijing
"There were deep frustration and resentment at the Chinese authorities' early response to COVID-19," Ni said, adding, "But I think the current extreme measures have wide public support because they are seen as effective measures against the virus. The CCP is now spinning its narrative about the virus, focusing in on its achievements while deflecting blame. Chinese officials have even gone as far as to spread conspiracy theories about how the virus originated in the USA."
One example is foreign ministry spokesperson Lijian Zhao who tweeted a conspiracy theory that the virus came from a US military bio-lab. WeChat articles alleging the virus had a US origin were also permitted to disseminate.
Propaganda Campaign
Summarizing the CCP's propaganda efforts to shape the COVID-19 narrative, Ni said: "In my mind, there are four key elements to its narrative efforts, essentially all to bolster the legitimacy of the party at a time of heightened uncertainty for the Chinese people."
- The first point mentioned by the Australia-based academic is blame avoidance. "The party has sought to deflect blame by scapegoating other expandable actors, such as local authorities. It has also sought to minimize attention to its early missteps. Some of China's diplomats have even gone as far as supporting conspiracy theories about where the virus came from."
- Second, Ni mentioned the leveraging of nationalistic sentiment. "Through the narratives about a 'People's War' against disease, and casting the crisis as a national struggle, the CCP is whipping up nationalism to bolster its legitimacy."The CCP thus enacted a new phase blaming "foreign hostile forces", a typical ploy.
- The third is highlighting the supposed superiority of China's political and governance system. "The Chinese state-party has focused heavily on shortcomings of the international response to the virus, especially in Europe and the USA. In doing so, it is trying to convince the domestic public and the international community that China's political and governance system has superior features."
- Latterly, China has been highlighting its global support for countries like Italy with deliveries of medical supplies and health workers. Beijing is busily posturing as a world leader in virus research and effective governance.
Ironically, the depths of its propaganda efforts demonstrate how unconfident the CCP is about its governance. It is very afraid of the people and international criticism, showing Chinese communist is not a robust system. These are not the actions of a strong party state, but one that fears opprobrium.
Finally, Ni listed censorship. "The party is censoring dissenting views domestically to sway public opinion and control the narrative environment in China. The success of this has been mixed as censors and netizens play an endless game of cat-and-mouse."
Also read:Xi Jinping makes first visit to coronavirus-hit Wuhan city since virus outbreak
Unfolding of Crisis
Many Chinese netizens went to great lengths despite censorship to spread the story of the crisis, illustrating that many Chinese do care for the truth rather than merely what supports the party apparatus. One blogger called Fang Fangbravely said, "The government should end its arrogance and humbly express gratitude to its masters - the millions of people in Wuhan." China Neican commented, "Real change in China comes from the accumulation of billions of actions by normal people within the country itself, instead of rhetoric from the West."
- Michael George DeSombre, US Ambassador to Thailand, wrote in a State Department op-ed, "Accurate information must move freely - especially during crises. A government must save lives, not save face."
- DeSombre catalogued errors by China, such as orders to deliberately destroy virus samples early on, and arresting people for sharing news of the outbreak online. Furthermore, seven million people left Wuhan in January before travel restrictions were finally imposed.
Ni concluded, "In essence, the party wants to make the best out of a terrible situation and spin the story in favour of the party by deflecting blame, sowing doubts on its culpability, whipping up nationalism and highlighting the superiority of the Chinese party-state."
Throughout December and most of January, Xi wanted only to stifle news of the outbreak. Thus, from 11-17 January, for example, an important pre-scheduled CCP meeting was held in Wuhan and, during that time, the provincial health commission oddly insisted there were no new virus cases.
Xi's reaction
Initially, Xi distanced himself from the crisis, because a degree of separatism would help disassociate him from any blame. Xi did not visit Wuhan until 10 March, although he sent Premier Li Keqiang in late January. When he did eventually bother to turn up in the epicentre, it was treated by media as something of a victory tour. Praising his paternal care, comments such as "his heart contains everyone" gushed forth.