Dhaka: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday donned a black 'Mujib jacket' made of handcrafted Khadi fabric as he paid tribute to 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the main event here to mark the country's 50 years of independence.
A recent press release issued by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises said the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has supplied 100 custom-designed 'Mujib jackets' that will be the attire of dignitaries during the prime minister's Bangladesh visit.
Read:|PM Modi hands over Gandhi Peace Prize for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to his daughter
As Bangladesh celebrates Mujib Borsho, the birth centenary of Rahman, Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre of the Indian High Commission in Dhaka, had placed an order for 100 Mujib jackets, ahead of the prime minister's visit, it said.
The specially designed jackets have been made of high-quality handcrafted Poly Khadi fabric. The black Mujib jackets have been designed with 6 buttons, two pockets on the lower half and a front pocket on the left, as worn by Rahman.
In keeping with the eco-friendly nature of the Khadi fabric, the covers for these jackets too have been made of black Khadi cotton fabric with Khadi India's logo embroidered over it.
During the National Day event, Prime Minister Modi handed over the Gandhi Peace Prize 2020, being conferred by India upon Rahman, to his daughters -- Bangladesh premier Sheikh Hasina and her younger sister Sheikh Rehana.