Kabul: India on Tuesday handed over two more Mi-24V helicopters to Afghanistan's Air Force.
"H.E. Vinay Kumar, Indian Ambassador @vkumar1969 handed over the 2nd pair of Mi-24V helicopters to Afg MinDef Asadullah Khalid at a ceremony today. These helicopters are a replacement for the four helicopters gifted by India to Afg in 2015/2016," the Indian Embassy in Kabul announced on its official Twitter handle.
"Amb Vinay Kumar @vkumar1969 congratulated the AAF on the Mi-24V induction and wished them success. H E Asadullah Khalid thanked India for its support," the Embassy added.
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The helicopters handed over during a ceremony held at the military airport in Kabul. According to the Afghan Ministry of Defence, the occasion was also attended by Afghanistan's acting defence minister Asadullah Khalid.