
China, Japan lock horns over disputed Diaoyu Island


Published : Jun 22, 2020, 5:54 PM IST

Updated : Jun 22, 2020, 10:09 PM IST

Laying claim over Diaoyu Island and calling Japan's move a serious provocation, Chinese foreign ministry's spokesman Zhao Lijian said that it's illegal and Beijing reserves the right to take further actions against Tokyo.

Zhao Lijian
Chinese foreign ministry's spokesman Zhao Lijian

Beijing:China has threatened Japan of taking actions over Tokyo's recent move to change the name of an administrative area covering the Senkaku Islands.

The Ishigaki City in Southern Japanese Okinawa prefecture has passed a bill to change the name of an administrative area covering the Senkaku Islands to include the name "Senkaku".

Japan and China's disputed islands.

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At a press briefing on Monday, Chinese foreign ministry's spokesman Zhao Lijian said, "The so-called bill to rename the relevant administrative area is a severe provocation to China's territorial sovereignty. It is illegal and invalid, and will not change the fact that Diaoyu Island (Senkaku Islands in Japanese) belongs to China."

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"We firmly oppose Japan's relevant actions. China has lodged solemn complaints with the Japanese side through diplomatic channel and reserves the right to take further actions," he added.

Last Updated : Jun 22, 2020, 10:09 PM IST


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