New Delhi: With the signing of a $375 million or Rs 2,770 crore deal for at least three missile batteries with the Philippines Navy on Friday, India is buttressing its strategic outreach policy as well as advancing its ‘Make in India’ programme. On Friday, a tweet from the twitter handle Brahmos Missile, said: “It’s a proud moment for us! This export contract of shore-based anti-ship missile system of @BrahmosMissile will lay strong foundation for the vision of #MakeinIndia and Make for the World.”
After India and Russia’s joint planned ambitious effort to export the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile to other countries got seriously impeded by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic for the last two years, a deal was inked on Friday for supply of the much-in-demand missile for the Philippines Navy. “All our plans had received a serious setback due to the ongoing pandemic. The focus of all governments, who were our potential buyers, was on the pandemic and the chaos it churned. But now after the signing of the deal, the first supplies will reach the Philippines Navy in just a year,” a source at Brahmos told ETV Bharat.
The export of the missile to other nations has to have the acquiescence of both the Indian and Russian governments as the missile development and manufacturing is a India-Russia joint venture set up in 1998 between the India government’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Russian state-owned NPO Mashinostroyenia. ‘Brahmos’ is a portmanteau drawn from the Brahmaputra river and the Moskva river.
Also read: India successfully test-fires new version of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile
All Brahmos missiles are manufactured in India by Brahmos Aerospace, where India owns a 50.5 per cent share while Russia has 49.5 per cent share. The entire revenues generated from sale of the Brahmos is to be kept aside for research and development (R&D) activity in order to further develop the missile and to keep on technologically upgrading it.