New Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith, along with laughing emoticons, tweeted a Lollywood film poster featuring herself, Imran and a burqa-clad woman doing 'black magic'. She, however, deleted the post later.
Jemima took to Twitter, sharing the poster, saying: "Who doesn't love a Lollywood poster? Spotted today by a friend in Lahore. Caption: 'what kind of black magic did you do?'"
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Replying to one of the criticisms, she later clarified that her tweet was not intended to disrespect anyone. "Ps. No disrespect intended. Like most of you, I just found it funny."
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The burqa-clad woman reportedly represented Imran Khan's wife Bushra Bibi. However, the post went viral and netizens seemed to have a laugh at the artwork and gave quirky responses.