Tokyo: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a two-day trip to Iran sought to mediate a de-escalation in tensions between Washington and Tehran and offer to broker dialogue between the two countries, but his bid was rejected by Iran, officials here said on Friday.
Abe, while urging Iran to stick to an international nuclear accord inked in 2015 between six major powers, was keen to offer his help in mediating between Tehran and Washington, he had earlier said.
This was partly due to Japan having friendly ties with both Washington and Tehran, with this year marking the 90th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Japan and Iran.
Abe's visit to Iran, in fact, marked the first visit to be made by a Japanese Prime Minister since Takeo Fukuda in 1978.
Nevertheless, his efforts to broker dialogue between Washington and Tehran were rejected by the latter, media reported, with Abe stating that the standoff in the region remains difficult.
The Japanese leader said, however, after his talks in Iran, that Tokyo remained committed to working towards the achievement of peace and stability in the region and the de-escalation of tensions between the US and Iran, the Foreign Ministry here said.
During his trip, Abe also asked Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to release US citizens being held in the country.
The request made by Abe, was reportedly on behalf of US President Donald Trump, who was seeking to have at least four American nationals currently detained in Iran repatriated to Washington.