Odessa: Five people, including the gunman, were killed and 21 others sustained injuries in a shooting incident on a highway near Odessa in Western Texas on Saturday.
The incident occurred at around 4:30 pm (local time) when an armed man hijacked a mail truck and began to open fire at motorists on Interstate 20 and Highway 191, which connects the cities of Midland and Odessa.
Among those injured include three law enforcement officers, Police Chief Michael Gerke said at a news conference. Gerke described the suspect as a white male in his 30s. His name and a motive for the shooting were not given, media reported.
The chain of events leading to the shooting began after a Department of Public Safety officer pulled over a vehicle on an interstate highway on Saturday afternoon. The man inside the vehicle shot the officer, took off, and started shooting randomly. At one point, the shooter ditched his vehicle and hijacked a US Postal Service truck, authorities said.