New York:In the first 11 months of 2020, shootings in New York City surged to record levels in years, according to the latest figures provided by the New York Police Department (NYPD).
From January to November, the number of shootings in New York City rose by 95 per cent over the same period last year, or 1,412 vs. 721, Xinhua news agency quoted the NYPD as saying on Saturday.
In November alone, the number of shootings in the city increased 112 percent over the same period last year, or 115 vs. 51, it added.
The NYPD said that 40 per cent of those accused of shooting had a past gun possession arrest, while 21 per cent of shooting victims had one as well.
"Whatever the challenge, our NYPD officers have shown innovation and determination to get the job done this year," Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said.