Washington: Expressing solidarity with US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Chinese sanctions on four USCIRF officials constitute yet another China's "affront" against universal rights. The People's Republic of China's (PRC) sanctioned last month four US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) commissioners, including Chair Nadine Maenza, Vice Chair Nury Turkel, and Commissioners Anurima Bhargava and James W. Carr.
The Secretary of State reaffirmed that Washington remains undeterred by these actions, and stands in solidarity with USCIRF and its staff. "The PRC has previously sanctioned three other current or former USCIRF commissioners, in addition to dozens of current or former U.S. officials and organizations promoting democracy and respect for human rights around the world - all of which are without merit. We remain undeterred by these actions, and we stand in solidarity with USCIRF and its staff.