Washington (US):The White House has urged private companies in the country to oppose the abuse of human rights and genocide by China in Xinjiang. This comes after Tesla, a US-based vehicle manufacturer, opened a showroom in the region in China, according to media reports.
At a news conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that private sector companies that fail to address forced labor and human rights abuses within their supply chains face "serious legal, reputational, and customer risk," both internationally and in the US.
"I can't speak to the specific situation of one company, but as a general matter, we believe the private sector should oppose the PRC's human rights abuses and genocide in Xinjiang," Psaki said.
In recent times, the US has ramped up its campaign against China for repressing religious minorities in Xinjiang. Recently, the administration of President Joe has decided on a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics next month in a show of protest over China's human rights abuses. The president also signed into law a bill effective banning all imports from Xinjiang due to concerns over the use of forced labor there.