Washington: Google suspended all political advertising after last week's attack on the US Capitol to avoid incitement of more violence, said the company's spokesperson on Wednesday.
"Given the events of the past week, we will expand our Sensitive Event policy enforcement to temporarily pause all political ads in addition to any ads referencing impeachment, the inauguration, or protests at the US Capitol," the spokesperson told Sputnik in a statement.
"We have long-standing policies blocking content that incites violence or promotes hate and we will be extremely vigilant about enforcing on any ads that cross this line," the spokesman added.
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The search engine in a statement to advertisers said it was planning to keep the policy in place until at least January 21 -- a day after the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, Sputnik reported further. Google's decision to pause all political advertising came two days after most American companies suspended all political donations in the aftermath of the attack on the Capitol.