Mumbai: Actor Tina Datta, who is known for shows such as Uttaran, has been shown the exit door on the Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 16. According to sources, Tina, who was nominated alongside names such as MC Stan, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia and Sumbul Touqeer, was eliminated this week.
This comes after Sreejita De, who was evicted in the first week of the show, re-entered the Bigg Boss 16 house on Thursday night's episode. A major showdown post her entry took place between Soundarya and Tina over tofu, where the latter cried inconsolably and was begging to go back home. For unversed, Sreejita and Tina's rivalry goes way back. Tina and Sreejita were playing Meethi and Mukta respectively in the show, Uttaran, and the argument about who is the lead actress started a cold war between them.
She went through an emotional turmoil and asked why she would take something like food from anyone. She added that she only fights for chicken in this house and not even her own food. However, the morning for Tina started with a discussion with Shalin Bhanot about where they stand in their relationship. There have been constant ups and downs, and lots of arguments between the two.