Mumbai: Actor Tina Datta, who gained recognition with the serial Uttaran, has been shown the exit door from the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 16. Tina was nominated alongside names such as Priyanka Chahar Choudhary, Shalin Bhanot, and Shiv Thakare. While the others escaped elimination, Tina was evicted from the show.
Tina Dutta, who was one of the strongest contestants in Bigg Boss 16 is now out of the race. Coming close so close to finale, Tina got eliminated from the show. After Tina's eviction, contestants left in the house include, Shalin, Archana Gautam, Priyanka, Shiv, Sumbul Touqeer, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia and MC Stan.
In the Skhukravar Ka Vaar episode, filmmaker-chroeographer Farah Khan stepped into the shoes of Salman Khan's hosting duties for Bigg Boss 16, she was seen slamming Tina and Priyanka's behaviour towards Shalin. Farah slammed Tina for making her dental issue so serious that she was willing to leave Bigg Boss 16 on its account, but was making fun of Shalin for his mental health problems.