New Delhi: Actor Dipika Chikhlia on Wednesday, faced backlash on social media for sharing a reel video on her social media. Dipika portrayed the role of Sita in director Ramanand Sagar's popular Tv series Ramayan. It's been more than three decades since the release of Ramayan but the audience is seemingly not ready to move ahead and accept Dipika in glamorous avatar.
Taking to Instagram, Dipika Chikhlia shared a transition reel which she captioned, "Change and transformation.,,,,,:)." In the video, the veteran actor could be seen transforming her look from a night suit to a beautiful green dress. Soon after Dipika shared the video, fans swamped the comment section with red heart emoticons, whereas some of her followers didn't like the reel video and trolled the Ramayan actor.
"Yah sab Sobha nahin deta tumko," a user commented. Another user wrote, "Aapki har Ghar mein Puja hoti hai sita Mata FIR Aisa Avatar kyon." A user also said, "This doesn't suit to you as per your decent image of Sita." Another user wrote, "Aapko sab seeta maiya ke roop m dekhte h plss kabhi galat post mat dalna."