Hyderabad: Sophiya Bhujel, who represented Nepal at the recently held Miss Universe 2022, is going viral on social media. The Miss Universe 2022 finale took place on January 15. Ahead of the grand finale of the 71st Miss Universe, the contestants from 86 countries tried their best to bring the essence of the land to which they belong during the National Costume round. During the National Costume round, Sophiya left an indelible impression as she owned the stage as Hindu Goddess Kali.
Sophiya Bhujel had taken to social media to share her look from the National Costume round and caption them as "Shakti, the Divine Feminine." In the pictures, Bhujel is seen donning a bright red saree. With a third eye on the forehead wearing Sindoor, she looked fierce as Kali, the quintessential embodiment of shakti, female power. She added heavy gold jewellery and a Trishul (trident) to complete her look.
For those who are unversed in Hindu culture, Sophiya also shared a note on Instagram decoding her look and the inspiration behind it. She wrote "This year, for our national costume, we take inspiration from Shakti, the fountain of creation, the source of it all. The red color denotes the blood and symbolizes the power of creation. The Trishul / trident represents the trinity of Creation Life and Death."
Talking about her accessories and costume, Sophiya further wrote, "The accessories symbolize the various aspects how our physical body is the yantra or the vehicle to create magic in this universe. This costume reminds us of our own strength. It reiterates the fact that each woman is a boundless source of energy."