New Delhi: An 18-year-old girl from Odisha's Rourkela, Sriya Lenka, has made India proud by becoming the country's first K-pop star. Sriya was chosen to be one of the new group members of the K-pop group, Blackswan along with Gabriela Dalcin of Brazil. Blackswan's label DR Music made the announcement on Instagram recently.
India gets its first-ever K-pop artist Sriya Lenka
Lenka was selected for the band after participating in the six-month-long global auditions, that were announced by DR Music last year after Hyeme left the girl group.
India gets its first-ever K-pop artist Sriya Lenka
"Sriya and Gabi were finally selected as members of blackswan after participating the global audition program for last 6 months," DR Music said in a post. Lenka was selected for the band after participating in the six-month-long global auditions, that were announced by DR Music last year after Hyeme left the girl group. The Blackswan K-Pop group started in the year 2011 as Rania. It later became BP Rania before getting its current name in October 2020. (ANI)