Mumbai: Bigg Boss OTT 2 winner Elvish Yadav met the Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar at his residence on Friday after taking home the trophy. A photograph was shared by the CM on X, formerly called Twitter. He congratulated Elvish on his big win. In the image, Khattar is seen greeting Elvish with a bouquet of flowers. Elvish is seen dressed in an all-blue coloured sweatsuit.
The CM captioned in Hindi: "The power of Haryanvis continues in every field. Met the winner @ElvishYadav of Bigg Boss OTT-2 today at Sant Kabir Kutir (Chief Minister's residence). "Big congratulations to him for winning the show and best wishes for his bright future," he added.
Elvish became the first wildcard contestant in the history of Bigg Boss to win the show. Elvish entered the show in its 4th week. It was a close contest between Elvish Yadav and Abhishek Malhan as the two have cultivated a huge fan following for themselves with Elvish's army also crashing down the Bigg Boss 'Systum' at one point of the show with their voting. As the winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2, Elvish took home the cash prize of Rs 25 lakhs.