Hyderabad:Actress Rubina Dilaik, who was recently involved in a car accident, provided an update on her condition after her husband, actor Abhinav Shukla, broke the news. Rubina stated on Twitter on Sunday that the mishap caused her to hurt her head and lower back. Earlier, Abhinav Shukla had conveyed the news on Twitter on Saturday, along with photos of the damaged cars.
In his post, he stated that Rubina was "fine" and that he was "taking her for medical attention." "Due to the incident, I struck my head and lower back, so was in a state of shock," Rubina tweeted, adding, "but we did medical tests, everything is good....Legal action has been initiated against the negligent truck driver, but the harm has already been done! I urge everyone to be cautious on the road (folded hands emoji). The rules are for our own protection!"
Meanwhile, Abhinav's tweet read: "What happened to us can happen to you," Abhinav had tweeted informing fans of the mishap. "Be wary of those busy on the phone jumping red lights. To top it off, he was smiling. More information will be provided later. Rubina was in the car; she is alright; we are taking her to the doctor. @MTPHereToHelp @MumbaiPolice please take stern action! @RubiDilaik."