Hyderabad: Television actor Ishwar Thakur is a known name for those who have seen him in shows like FIR and Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain. The actor is in an extreme financial crunch following his health issues. He has poured his heart out on how he is dragging his life for his ailing mother and brother.
While talking to a webloid, Ishwar said that economic hardship and financial distress have left devastating effects on his life. The actor said he is suffering from a kidney-related ailment. His condition has spiraled down to the extent that he is not even in a state to afford diapers for himself or his ailing mom who has been bedridden since the Covid-19 lockdown.
FIR and Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain aside, Thakur featured in several comedy shows including May I Come In Madam and Jija Ji Chhat Par Hai. But getting work has become difficult now due to his health condition. He said his legs are swollen and he is unable to hold his urine now and is therefore forced to use paper and old newspapers.
"I don't even have the money to buy diapers, so I am using old newspapers as a substitute. I cannot get myself treated by a good doctor because I cannot afford it. Earlier, I was undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for my condition, but I've stopped that as well as I don't have any money now," said Thakur.