Hyderabad:The excitement continues to rise in Salman Khan's hosted captive reality show, Bigg Boss OTT Season 2. In the latest Weekend Ka Vaar episodes, the superstar skipped hosting duties, while makers gave Manisha Rani, Bebika Dhurve, Falaq Naaz, Pooja Bhatt, and Avinash Sachdev a temporary sigh of relief as none of them were eliminated in Sunday's episode. However, the upcoming nomination process is expected to intensify the game within the Bigg Boss OTT 2 house.
A sneak peek of an upcoming episode was released by the BB OTT 2 makers on Tuesday, hinting at dramatic nominations where the housemates will engage in verbal spats. Aashika Bhatia, a new entrant, emphasizes that the nature of the game goes beyond mere friendship while referring to the dynamics between Jad Hadid and Jiya Shankar in the house.