Hyderabad:Actor Dinesh Phadnis, who portrayed Fredericks in the longest-running television series CID, died in Mumbai on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday. The actor, who was 57 years old, was on a ventilator support from the past few days. He was admitted to the hospital due to severe liver damage on December 1.
The 57-year-old actor was reportedly admitted to Tunga Hospital in Mumbai. It was earlier speculated that he suffered from a heart attack, but co-actor Dayanand Shetty played that down.He clarified that Dinesh Phadnis passed away due to a liver problem. Phadnis costarred with Shetty in CID, and the latter had been providing updates on the actor's condition. The entire cast of CID, who are well-known for having a strong relationship, is staying at Phadnis' house for now. The Daulat Nagar crematorium will host his final ceremonies on Tuesday.
CID had a fantastic run on television from 1998 to 2018. It is among the Indian television programmes with the longest runtime. The audience adored Dinesh's portrayal of Fredericks because of his comedic timing and lighthearted interaction with other cast members, particularly Shivaji Satam's ACP Pradyuman.