Mumbai: Television actor Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who tied the nuptial knot with her longtime boyfriend Shahnawaz Sheikh in an intimate ceremony, schooled a person on social media after he asked in a now-deleted tweet if her child would be raised as a Hindu or a Muslim.
Replying to the person on her Twitter, the actor wrote, "Whether my babies will be Hindu or Muslims aap kaun? Aur itni jab apko baccho ko lekar chinta ho hi rahi hai bohot saare anaath ashrams hai, jaaiye adopt kijiye aur apne hisaab se dharm or naam decide kijiye. Mera pati, mera baccha, mera dharm, mere rules. Aap kaun? #toxic (Who are you to ask? If you're so concerned about the kids, then go adopt kids and assign them a name and religion as per your choice. It is my husband, my kid, my religion and my rules. Who are you?)"