Mumbai: It's a girl! Actors Debina Bonnerjee and Gurmeet Choudhary have welcomed their second baby girl. The star couple shared the good news with their fans and followers through social media on Friday. In an Instagram Collab post, the new parents uploaded a beautiful picture from their maternity shoot.
"Welcome our baby girl into the world. As ecstatic as we are becoming parents again, we appreciate some privacy at this time as our baby has come into the world sooner than due. Keep blessing and showering your continued love 💕🙏" the caption read. The sweet post flooded with congratulatory messages in the comments section.
Soon after the couple shared the news, celebrities like Sonu Sood, Asees Kaur, Kratika Sengar Dheer and others congratulated the couple on social media as they embraced parenthood for the second time.