Hyderabad: Singer Rahul Vaidya and actor Disha Parmar have welcomed their first child together. A few hours after the news broke on social media, Rahul shared the good news with the world. Rahul and Disha tied the knot on July 16, 2022, after being in a relationship for many years. Now, the couple has become proud parents to a baby girl.
Taking to Instagram, the singer wrote: "We are blessed with a Baby GIRL! The mummy and baby both are healthy and doing perfectly well! We would like to thank our Gynaec @dhruptidedhia who was hands on with the baby right since conceiving till birth and special thanks to our family @dnamjoshi & @masuuma at @criticareasiahospitals for giving us the best delivery experience possible! And we are elated! 😃😃😃😃🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳👶👶👶👶❤️❤️❤️ pls bless the baby 👶👶👶"
As soon as the actor made the post, the celebrity couple's industry friends and fans chimed in the comment section to shower their love and blessings upon the newborn. Reacting to the news, a fan wrote: "Congratulations!!!!! God bless you little one!" Another one wrote: "Only love and blessings to your adorable baby girl 😘👼😍💖" Another one commented: "Omg omg congratulations both of you ❤️❤️ @dishaparmar @rahulvaidyarkv"